Personal Careers Guidance Booklet

The Personal Careers Guidance Booklet content, focuses in Seconde (Year 11) on employment, and involves experts from the Principality of Monaco's Youth Employment Unit: what the Youth Employment Unit can offer, professions, jobs, and job searching techniques are some of the subjects raised and discussed during this class session.

The Personal Careers Guidance Booklet content, focuses in Première (Year 12) on further study paths, presenting possible post-Bac training options and sources of information in the booklet, and promoting awareness of the website This involves two sessions.

The Personal Careers Guidance Booklet content, focuses in Terminale (Year 13) on preparing the pupil’s own plan: a module concentrating either on access to employment or further education. The annual calendar and sources of information associated with different procedures (, apprenticeship, preparation for work) are compiled in the LPO. Several sessions are scheduled before March, including a session where pupils receive assistance to register on