Careers guidance

Welcome to lycée Rainier III careers guidance area.

In this area, you will find documents and information sources providing educational and vocational guidance which may help pupils, students and their families to consider their options for further study and work after they have completed the baccalaureate.

Thinking about the future begins the moment a pupil enters Seconde (Year 11), notably through use of the digital Personal Careers Guidance Booklet (LPO), an essential tool for every pupil that helps to supplement their ideas (class sessions, work placements and sessions outside the school, sources of information).

The main class teacher and the teaching community as a whole are there to help young people formulate their plans. This work often culminates in a guidance session or sessions with the careers advisor and psychologist who is available to pupils, students and their families within the school.

Contact details for the Department of Education Careers Advisor and Psychologist:

M. Romain GORI
Lycée Technique et Hôtelier de Monaco
7 Allée Lazare Sauvaigo

Phone: (+377) 98 98 82 46

Useful Information


Personal Careers Guidance Booklet

Further study



Après le DCG

Preparation for work

Website about careers guidance

Academic Counselling and Education Resource